Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tim Geithner's Black Hole


You can take this whole mess many ways. One is that the Obama team lacks a backbone and is just coasting along hoping for the best.
Two. The Bankers have them over barrel and are sucking us dry. When that is done it will all collapse and they will leave the country in ruin.
Three, they are idiots and believe all the crap they are talking. In which case it will worse then we all think.
Four. They know what they are doing and we all need to shut up.

I don't know for sure but two sounds about right. At this point having watched AIG and read the memo they wrote. It looks like we are being taking for everything we are worth. When it is done nothing will be left. I find this very scary and wonder why is the exit plan for Obama and Team? What is the exit plan for most of the world? A world wide massive crash and then recovery? I just can not see how this ends in anyway good now.

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