Friday, May 1, 2009

Fed's Seize Silverton Bank #30 and it is a whopper

Corus Warns of receivership.
Corus Warns of receivership. $7.7 Billion in assets.

Why it was good Obama lost in the chyrsler Deal

Thursday, April 30, 2009

How to lose 7.4 Billion in two years and 6 other fun facts

Fun Fact #1
Buy a US automaker at the top of a market.

Fun Fact #2
They are also a secured Bondholder, who will take a major loss of somewhere around .50 - .70 on the dollar.

Fun Fact #3
The people of broke the government deal will likely drag out the bankruptcy costing more money from the government in DIP financing then proposed or in a worse case force liquidation. Since the are in the front of the line it will get ugly.

Fun Fact #5
One of the worlds weakest automakers is taking over.

Fun Fact #6
The unions will be in charge, which in the past has almost never worked out as the cut themselves sweetheart deals.

GM and the bondholders close to a deal?

WHO goes to level 5, One more level Above.

Chrysler Talks Seen on the Rocks as Deadline Looms

So we are preparing to go over the edge we did not in the 80's. Hold on tight.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

CalPERS says will vote to oust Bank of America's board
Ouch guess you did not buy much by giving to the godfather.

Plight of carmakers could upset all pensions

GM a bad deal for all expect CDS holders

Swine-Flu Warning Raised as Virus Crosses Continents

Now a level 4 outbreak. Two more to above that.

A Primer on the Flu

NYC tax collections fall 50%

More trouble for NYC, hard choices need to be made.

The more she talks the more I like her Warren

Monday, April 27, 2009

Busting the Torture Myths

In the end we have always held some measures to be war crimes. Specifically Water boarding which was prosecuted after WWII. I find it sad we need to talk about this.
Torture does not work and dirties everyone involved.

100 Days and Hope is fading

100 Days since he became president.

A view from a Support in SC
A view from the Right.
From the left.

My Take
The stimulus package, Wasteful, untargeted and adding a trillion dollars to the debt of the US.

Reversing course on stem cells. A great Call, Bush made a big mistake and cost science in this country a lot of time.

The Budget. Way too conservative in cuts, way too much spending, way too much in things that will not help the economy.

Foreign Relations. We are letting relatives go to Cuba, that is great, now lift the full sanctions. At least that will generate Jobs. We are talking to Iran and Venezuela. You should always talk to people so at least they get your. Pakistan is falling apart and will need some serious help. Mexico is in free fall. We need to come up with something there.

Pirate response. We shot some. A good start.

The bank bailout. Bush II. Awful. We should hope someone comes to their senses before the hole thing collapses.

Torture accountability. We released the memos. Now where is the investigation. This is a clear violation of the law. Torture does not work, it is Hollywood fiction it does any good.

Gun Control. Everyone with a felony record should carry a gun, it will permit law abiding citizens to stop the massacre from happening. Enforce the current laws before adding more.

In short, Some good things, some bad things. and Some world changing things.

Let hope it works out for the best.

What if ZIRP is not the end for the Fed.

Please borrow money and we will pay you. I am stunned into silence.

The NYT takes down Turbo Tax Tim Geithner

Is the stimulis money going to the right states

Above the line good, making money. Below the line, losing money.

How Fannie Spent a Half Billion to hide losses.

More signs of trouble for Fannie.

Sunday, April 26, 2009

CRE Time bomb