Monday, January 5, 2009

China 2009
If you start dumping, which is what the Chinese are talking about, look for Obama to retaliate

1 comment:

Rickahyatt said...

Hey, isn't it obvious? ()bama says he'll release his birth certificate on MLK Day, & I believe him. He says there will be "Blood in the streets & military mutiny" if he doesn't, and he knows there will be, anyway.

For he will release his Indonesian BC & then claim that since he's Asian/Black/Liberal White in a black sheep's clothing, and that everyone on Welfare WANTS HIM, then what the hell do the US Constitution and the Executive Branch mean, anyway?

THIS on MLK Day, which, you will remember, was drummed up by "Certain members" of Congress back then to be a celebratory 3-Day weekend, based on King's birthday, not his shooting, all with a Gregorian calendar, and the emotional appeal of JFK's shooting long ago in mind.

Enemy Action, folks. It's called Espionage.

Something the CHICOMS consider themselves very good at - Taking out their enemie's leaders, first, and then...