Friday, December 5, 2008

U6 Unemployment numbers

For those who don't know I prefer to look at U6 versus U3(The general Unemployment number).

An alternative gauge of unemployment - which includes discouraged workers and those whose hours have been cut back to part-time - rose to 12.5% from 11.8%. The number of workers forced to work part-time rose by 621,000 to 7.3 million.

Market watch does not disclose this as U6 but it is the December number. This number is gr owning about 1% per month. I view 12% or higher be very scary numbers. We are now at the lows of the 80's which where the worse outside of the Great Depression when we hit 25% (A guess number as the official numbers did not start till the late 40's)
If the 80's peaked at 12.8% and that was the trough of that recession we clearly have a ways to go. Additional the revision have been horrific.


Meteor Blades said...

I've looked at the BLS site and cannot find the U6 number. Is it in a special place, or does one have to calculate it from other statistics there?

gildone84 said...

Here it is. You have to find "Alternative Measures of Unemployment"

In the future, just use the search bar at the upper right at: