Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Blame Game Madoff scandal


Her strongest point is that it simply doesn't make sense to say that people who gave their money to Madoff should have done more due diligence and monitoring.

Really, so you don't care about your money. I not sure how else to interrupt a statement like that. Money has to be watched. Especial as you approach a million plus.

But most people-I’d venture to say at least 90% of us-don’t have time to manage our money or to keep tabs on the “professionals” we hire to do just that

Then you are idiots. Sorry. The truth hurts. If you don't watch your money it will be gone.

And no one deserves to be wiped out just because he's dumb or even greedy.

LOL. Yes they do. Greed does not work. Most people clearly said they where there cause the returns where great. As for being dumb, I am just speechless. Most people with this money are educated. The rules are not hard to follow. Diverisfy yourselfs. If you had done just that you would be down but not out. Sorry that is the hard truth. No magic investing. No secert sause. Just don't trust one thing.

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