Friday, February 6, 2009

First calls for a revoultion in California?

“We believe California’s system of government is fundamentally broken,” they write in a press release. “Our prisons overflow, our water system teeters on collapse, our once proud schools are criminally poor, our financing system is bankrupt, our democracy produces ideologically-extreme legislators that can pass neither budget nor reforms, and we have no recourse in the system to right these wrongs.”

Not the Declaration of Independence but close.

The Bay Area Council is holding a summit to discuss a California Constitutional Convention on Feb. 24, 2009, at Sacramento. The original California Constitution was adopted in 1849. It was superseded when the current Constitution was ratified in 1879.

Critics warn that once a convention is called, anything can happen and results may be unanticipated.

One only needs to read our the Constitution was drafted to see it was comprise document that produced several major problems as soon as it was enacted and arguably lead to the civil war.

Viva the revolution, just remember the French leader soon found themselves beheaded by the next bunch.

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