Friday, October 9, 2009

Controlling Healthcare Costs The American Way: Not Doing It - Megan McArdle

Controlling Healthcare Costs The American Way: Not Doing It - Megan McArdle
Every member of Congress should read this.

Why Oil Can't Ditch The Dollar

Why Oil Can't Ditch The Dollar
Excatly. The house saud does not care about the Dollar :)

Thursday, October 8, 2009

A Guided Tour Of The NYC Commercial Real Estate Wreckage

A Guided Tour Of The NYC Commercial Real Estate Wreckage
WOW, a excellent video

New Yorker: The Secret Cycle | The Big Picture

New Yorker: The Secret Cycle The Big Picture
Excellent read from the new yorker. Long. My Grandfather was a huge thinker about cycles. I am not so sure. Most of the time it does not fit.

Illinois State Comptroller Dan Hynes Says State Finances A Mounting Crisis, Things Getting Worse -

Illinois State Comptroller Dan Hynes Says State Finances A Mounting Crisis, Things Getting Worse -
Just in case you thought CA was all alone in problems, NY is not far behind.

NASA/Marshall Solar Physics

NASA/Marshall Solar Physics
What does the lack of sunsports mean? What is the long term impact to us?

MarketWatch First Take: The Latvia domino may be ready to fall - MarketWatch

MarketWatch First Take: The Latvia domino may be ready to fall - MarketWatch
Nothing like some high stakes poker. Sweden your bid?

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

James Pethokoukis » Blog Archive » Why the GOP shouldn’t embrace calls for a VAT | Blogs |

James Pethokoukis » Blog Archive » Why the GOP shouldn’t embrace calls for a VAT Blogs
Why a VAT tax is a mistake and why you should not trust the government with your money.

A Disaster in Northern New England: A Telco and Region Trapped in Telecom Hell | CIO - Blogs and Discussion

A Disaster in Northern New England: A Telco and Region Trapped in Telecom Hell CIO - Blogs and Discussion

Online network to cover Manna co-op trial | Chronicle-Telegram

Online network to cover Manna co-op trial Chronicle-Telegram

A local story no one is following. Sad to see. yes the may have need a license. But why raid there house with a SWAT team?

Yakuza’s Series 7 Exam Is Harbinger for Economy: William Pesek -

Yakuza’s Series 7 Exam Is Harbinger for Economy: William Pesek -
Presented without comment, wow.

Sweden prepares for financial collapse in Latvia and major bank losses at home « naked capitalism

Sweden prepares for financial collapse in Latvia and major bank losses at home « naked capitalism
Ah latvia, I was worried we forgot about you. One domino falls others fall.....

Fed Starting To Freak Out Over Commercial Real Estate

Fed Starting To Freak Out Over Commercial Real Estate
Another top issue for the year, CR is in big trouble. Of course do we deal with it? Nah push it off till tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

A Country for Old Men and a Bit of Samba - Credit Writedowns

A Country for Old Men and a Bit of Samba - Credit Writedowns
Excellent and thought provoking.

Cleveland Fed On Final Q2 GDP | zero hedge

Cleveland Fed On Final Q2 GDP zero hedge
Awesome piece on the GDP numbers. Baked well done.

Aquacalypse Now | The New Republic

Aquacalypse Now The New Republic
Wow, scary stuff. True? hard to say since i dont following fishing.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Will California become America's first failed state? | World news | The Observer

Will California become America's first failed state? World news The Observer
Ah the british always looking on the brite side of things.

Soros: US Banking System Is "Basically Bankrupt"

Soros: US Banking System Is "Basically Bankrupt"
The end is nigh? Seems like a bleak tone in the last two weeks or maybe it is just me.

October 2009

October 2009
As we prepare to past the 100 mark for the year. One still has to wonder how much more rearrange of deck chairs we can do before we realize the ship is sinking.

Gold Can't Be 6x Levered Against The Dollar Forever

Gold Can't Be 6x Levered Against The Dollar Forever
In short gold will not perform to expectations. Just like i predicted at the start of the year.

Will Spanish Banks Implde And Wreck The Euro?

Will Spanish Banks Implde And Wreck The Euro?
Everyone else catches up to me! Just kidding.

Unemployment Problems Will Get Much Worse – 24/7 Wall St.

Unemployment Problems Will Get Much Worse – 24/7 Wall St.
How long before we admit the stimulus is not working and never would work? It is not about job creation, it was about pork.

Xmas Season Orders Don't Bode Well for Chinese

Xmas Season Orders Don't Bode Well for Chinese
More problems for the holidays