Friday, August 28, 2009

Why The Fed Is So Desperate To Keep Its Bailout Gifts Secret

Why The Fed Is So Desperate To Keep Its Bailout Gifts Secret
History rhymes we like to say here. In this case Ben may be listen but I think it is off base since most consumers only care about the FDIC, but shareholders would pound banks in trouble.

1,000 Banks to Fail In Next Two Years: Bank CEO - Private Equity and Hedge Funds * US * News * Story -

1,000 Banks to Fail In Next Two Years: Bank CEO - Private Equity and Hedge Funds * US * News * Story -
Wow that would be ugly.

Treasury Document Called AIG Investment ‘Highly Speculative’ -

Treasury Document Called AIG Investment ‘Highly Speculative’ -
Gosh wonder why the government did not mention this before? Oh yeah we need to save the system. Right.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Be Patient With Gold

Be Patient With Gold
I have not ranted on gold in awhile, but as part of my big in 2010 predictions I mention gold would underperfrom and disappoint. Clearly this author wants you to hold on. It is going up. Here is a clue. All things bubble then collapse. As a final question who can eat gold :) Just saying if the end time comes, what good is gold?

April 2007: when Gordon ignored the warnings | Coffee House

April 2007: when Gordon ignored the warnings Coffee House
Plenty of people knew there where problems. No body wanted to stop the money train.

GDP Revision (Unchanged) Is Good News

GDP Revision (Unchanged) Is Good News
Not really. We continue to shrink and business is not spending. Q3 may be ugly.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Is Banco Santander The Canary In The Coalmine

Is Banco Santander The Canary In The Coalmine
Spain has big problems.

Cumberland Advisors - Market Commentary

Cumberland Advisors - Market Commentary
Buying some cheap USO calls at $48 for OCT 2009

Court Orders Federal Reserve to Disclose Emergency Loan Details -

Court Orders Federal Reserve to Disclose Emergency Loan Details -
A win for transparent government.

Monday, August 24, 2009

"Dramatic" Decrease in Cure Rates for Delinquent Mortgage Loans

Calculated Risk: Fitch: "Dramatic" Decrease in Cure Rates for Delinquent Mortgage Loans
Very bad stuff.

FDIC report tomorrow

Will it start a bank run? Tomorrow the FDIC will likely report they need to borrow money from the Treasury. Is that enough to panic people? Hard to say but I lean towards no.

Calculated Risk: Bank Failure #81: Down Goes Guaranty

Calculated Risk: Bank Failure #81: Down Goes Guaranty
3 more along with the big one. MW called for 300 this year. I think we are on track to push past that.