Thursday, December 24, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
70% Of The Q3 GDP Growth Was Cash For Clunkers
Does not look like growth to me.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
Thursday, December 17, 2009
The Commercial Real Estate Default Wave is Here: Commercial Mortgage Defaults Now at 16 Year High. 3.4 Percent of all Commercial Real Estate Loans in Default.
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Is Austria Set To Join The Honourable Company of PIIGs? | afoe | A Fistful of Euros | European Opinion
Big problems in europe. Big trend number 1 for next year- European union starts to break apart with Spain, Greece and Austria being at fault.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
TIC Data Confirms: Foreign Appetite Gone - The Market Ticker
With the forigen buyers gone, it is down the banks who are received cheap money (.25%) to buy the treasuries which are paying 4%. When the merry go round stops we are all screwed.
Shadowstats' John Williams: Prepare For The Hyperinflationary Great Depression | zero hedge
The ugly forecast. Time is short to aviod this.
“Wake Up, Gentlemen” « The Baseline Scenario
Finally! Someone let volker talk!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Guest Post: Larry Summers Is Like a Guy Who Yells That the Sun Really DOES Revolve Around the Earth and that the Current Orbit is Just a Temporary Aberration . . . and That If We Just Wait a Little While, “Everything Will Return to Normal” « naked capitalism
Larry summers should have never been hired in the first place and should be fired now.
Goldman Sachs: The Little Hoovers Are Multiplying, State Budgets Set To Be Major Economic Drag
In short the state are begin to breakdown. With the weight of pension, medicare ever rising cost and ever decrasing tax revenue. They need to take a hard look now before we start to see local, city and state bankruptcys.
Calculated Risk: FDIC Bank Failure Update
I too take the over. 2010 is looking very much like 1931.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Obama's Big Sellout : Rolling Stone
The left calls Obama a sellout to wall st. World does not end :)
Now See The REAL State Of The US Banking Industry
This is why the recover is a mirage.
Thursday, December 10, 2009
European Central Bank Privately Worries Baltics Are The Next Debt Crisis
Bloomberg: “the authorities in the Baltic states may not be able to prevent a renewed emergence of macro-economic imbalances and a repetition of the boom-bust cycle,” the ECB said in a document dated Nov. 17 and prepared for a meeting of the EU’s economic and finance committee.
Translated=The government can not the default.
“The experience of the Baltic states suggests that, for countries that have opted for pegging tightly their exchange rates, there is a significant risk that relatively low interest rates lead to excessive domestic borrowing and the emergence of asset price bubbles,” the ECB said.
Translated=Defense of currency is stupid and will blow up your country.
The boom-to-bust fate of the Baltic states has been exacerbated by euro-denominated borrowing since the countries joined the EU more than five years ago. That’s obliged central banks to stick more rigorously to their euro pegs or risk leaving households and businesses unable to service their debt.
Translated=Borrowing in something other then your own currency will lead to pain for everyone.
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
We have entered the moment when the Greek crisis is turning dangerous
put them in the basket with at least 6 others. Dubai, all the Baltics, Spain, Ireland and California. 2010 will the year os the country default.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
The New Economic Misery Index: Five Sectors that Show Financial Pain for Americans. Food Stamps, Bankruptcy, Credit Access, Employment, and Housing.
'Sometimes I think, was it real?' The American bailout nightmare - Times Online
The histroy of the event is always wrong at the time.
Anatomy Of A Failed Foreclosure Program
Your Government in action
Monday, December 7, 2009
Friday, December 4, 2009
TrimTabs: The Government Is Grossly Miscalculating Employment
Some thing to consider before you see a recovery.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Arizona Maxes Out Line Of Credit In Two Weeks Flat
Look for big problems with AZ, FL, NV and CA next year.
Elizabeth Warren: America Without a Middle Class
We are destroy the middle class. If this is not revered we are on the way to become something very sad and terrible.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009 | FT Energy Source | Mexican oil production: from bad to worse
Ugly charts. Once again this will have a major destabilizing problem in mexico. Since the goverment is very dependent on oil reveune.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Virginia Borrows $1.26 billion To Pay Unemployment Benefits; Detroit Loses $400 Million on $800 Million of Bonds; Detroit's Easy Solution
Monday, November 30, 2009 / Middle East / Finance - Dubai rejects guarantee for Dubai World
Like a little seed, this has the potential to grow into a huge problem.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Mutant Ukrainian Black Lung Enters The U.S.
Time for another freak out!! Super H1N1!!!
The new AIG report reveals how Geithner—and U.S. taxpayers—were fleeced by Wall Street banks. - By Eliot Spitzer - Slate Magazine
Once you have lost everything you become dangourous and honset.
Thursday, November 19, 2009
California faces a projected deficit of $21 billion --
OK who put the same record on again?
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Warning: You May Not be Making as Much on Gold as You Think
Excalty. Gold is terrible investment.
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Rolfe Winkler » Blog Archive » GMAC shouldn’t have a government ally | Blogs |
Thinking here on a rainy Tuesday. What if GMAC goes down. What if FHA needs a bailout at the same time. What would the market do?
Mortgage Loan Deliquencies Move Up Toward All-Time Record – 24/7 Wall St.#more-53770#more-53770#more-53770
As we contiue to work throught the 2004-2007 Loans we continue to see heartburn.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Meredith Whitney: "I Haven't Been This Bearish In A Year"
Damn dark day for some up in the markets.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Op-Ed Contributor - Where Credit Isn’t Due -
It is called the invisible hand cause we are not supposed to push things around. However it would in the interest of the big banks to stop giving ammo to congress. It is clear now they are making case they need to regulated as the gouge the consumer.
Audit: FHA Reserves Collapse Much Faster Than Feared
Does anyone else hear sirens???
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Rosenberg: Here's Why Unemployment Is Going To 13%
Ouch long cold winter ahead.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Rosenberg: Something Big Is About To Happen
Going long the dollar still. When everyone else is jumping off the cliff I like bet against them surving.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
A 25 Billion Dollar Secret: The NY Fed, Goldman & The AIG Cover-Up - Home - The Daily Bail
Back room deals to help wall street. No question who owns our government.
U6 continues its climb and U3 cross 10%
Headline goes 10.2% and real unemployment 17.5%. Ouch
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Labor Data: Milking More Blood From Stones – 24/7 Wall St.
Could not say it better. We are deflating wages, driving harder and not hiring. Not a sign of recovery by any means.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Business Bankruptcy 2009 update
Back in August I thought my predictions would be close to target but second Quarter blew past my prediction of 15+ thousands. Topping 16 thousands which is bad a record for any quater and almost matches all of 2006 the last 'good' year. Also 2nd QT is typical the slow quater for BK. I would imaging the Q3 numbers will be even worse and one wonders what the Citi BK will have (A spike would not surprising as credit dries up sales at smaller merchants). In short big problems in the business sector.
Threat Of Downgrades Has Mexico In A Downward Spiral
We should be very concerned about Mexico spiralling downward....
Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Prichard Alabama Files Bankruptcy Over Pensions; Wildcat Strike In Philadelphia; Oregon's Financial Gamble
BOA raises rates after claiming it would do not such thing
Just making the case the government needs to over see the Credit Card companies.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Monday, November 2, 2009
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Is Congress Micromanaging GM? - The Daily Beast
Really the Government run GM is being micromanage for the benefit of some in congress. Shocking.
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Volcker Has Obama’s Ear, but Not on Overhaul of Banks -
Please let try to listen to volcker before it is too late.
GMAC Joins the Black Hole Club « naked capitalism
Hey lets throw money in the money hole!!!
Goldman Lobbies Senate, Says Full Transparency Sucks
More signs Goldman owns the government
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
An Epidemic of Fear: How Panicked Parents Skipping Shots Endangers Us All | Magazine
Read and pass one. No single issue is more important. The survial of more people is at stake in this debate then any other.
Monday, October 26, 2009
Bank Failures Hit 106, Could Go As High As 1,000 – 24/7 Wall St.
Making up for a quiet week, we 6 more this week.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Roving Bandit: Gary Becker in controversial "extend markets to unfamiliar areas" shocker
What a excellent thought. $5000 for a mexican to enter the country. Per year? One time? Per Visa?
Bernanke Says Financial Firms Should Pay for Closings (Update2) -
Translated: we are broke and please can some else pay.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Spitzer On Breaking Up Big Banks: White House Just Doesn't Get it (VIDEO)
Why is he the only one making sense.
Friday, October 16, 2009
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Monday, October 12, 2009
Dollar Collapse Plunges S&P 500 Back To 1996
Yeah the market is up, oh no inflation destroyed it all | Economists' Forum | A second Great Depression is still possible
Another lawnmower for the green shots.
California Budget Is Already in the Red 10 Weeks After Passage -
Ah California. 10 whole weeks. Congrats. Back to work and this time you are out of tricks.
Friday, October 9, 2009
Controlling Healthcare Costs The American Way: Not Doing It - Megan McArdle
Every member of Congress should read this.
Why Oil Can't Ditch The Dollar
Excatly. The house saud does not care about the Dollar :)
Thursday, October 8, 2009
New Yorker: The Secret Cycle | The Big Picture
Excellent read from the new yorker. Long. My Grandfather was a huge thinker about cycles. I am not so sure. Most of the time it does not fit.
Illinois State Comptroller Dan Hynes Says State Finances A Mounting Crisis, Things Getting Worse -
Just in case you thought CA was all alone in problems, NY is not far behind.
NASA/Marshall Solar Physics
What does the lack of sunsports mean? What is the long term impact to us?
MarketWatch First Take: The Latvia domino may be ready to fall - MarketWatch
Nothing like some high stakes poker. Sweden your bid?
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
James Pethokoukis » Blog Archive » Why the GOP shouldn’t embrace calls for a VAT | Blogs |
Why a VAT tax is a mistake and why you should not trust the government with your money.
Online network to cover Manna co-op trial | Chronicle-Telegram
A local story no one is following. Sad to see. yes the may have need a license. But why raid there house with a SWAT team?
Sweden prepares for financial collapse in Latvia and major bank losses at home « naked capitalism
Ah latvia, I was worried we forgot about you. One domino falls others fall.....
Fed Starting To Freak Out Over Commercial Real Estate
Another top issue for the year, CR is in big trouble. Of course do we deal with it? Nah push it off till tomorrow.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
A Country for Old Men and a Bit of Samba - Credit Writedowns
Excellent and thought provoking.
Cleveland Fed On Final Q2 GDP | zero hedge
Awesome piece on the GDP numbers. Baked well done.
Aquacalypse Now | The New Republic
Wow, scary stuff. True? hard to say since i dont following fishing.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Will California become America's first failed state? | World news | The Observer
Ah the british always looking on the brite side of things.
Soros: US Banking System Is "Basically Bankrupt"
The end is nigh? Seems like a bleak tone in the last two weeks or maybe it is just me.
October 2009
As we prepare to past the 100 mark for the year. One still has to wonder how much more rearrange of deck chairs we can do before we realize the ship is sinking.
Gold Can't Be 6x Levered Against The Dollar Forever
In short gold will not perform to expectations. Just like i predicted at the start of the year.
Will Spanish Banks Implde And Wreck The Euro?
Everyone else catches up to me! Just kidding.
Unemployment Problems Will Get Much Worse – 24/7 Wall St.
How long before we admit the stimulus is not working and never would work? It is not about job creation, it was about pork.
Friday, October 2, 2009
Greg Mankiw's Blog: Accountability?
So what did that 1 trillion dollars buy? Not much.
Table A-12. Alternative measures of labor underutilization
Just ugly numbers, we pushed above 17% on U6. While U3 looks to be holding that is really bad, as workers out of a job over 12 months are dropping from that record. Which means we are seeing continued job losses. Also troubling Government moved to the negative. Guess that stimulus is not working so well.
The recession is over but the depression has just begun « naked capitalism
Has anyone else noticted the turn to dark again? Or is just me.
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Option ARMs in Financial Pain: 900,000 Mortgages and 1 out of 4 either Seriously Delinquent or in Foreclosure. OCC and OTS Report Shows Foreclosures Still Growing.
Wow are we about to repeat last year. Cause it looks like a lot of pain in the pipes.
Banks Have Us Flying Blind on Depth of Losses: Jonathan Weil -
Till we stop lying we will not where the end is. It is time to stop acting like Japan and start acting like the US. Creative destruction now.
Spain’s Manufacturing Contraction Accelerates in September
Spain is in big troubles. Things continue to decline and if it the suffer a major crisis we could be looking at major test of the Euro and the European union.
Roving Bandit: Why Migration Matters for Development
Always funny and on point. I love this blog from the Sudan. Right on point with this one. Think about it and let me know.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Calculated Risk: Bank Failure #90: Corus Bank, National Association, Chicago, Illinois
Count reaches #92 and another big one is down. The beat goes on.
The Incredible Ghost Fleet Off The Coast Of Singapore
One of the best pictures to capture the lack of green shoots.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Market Place - In Florida, the Ruins of Condo Mania -
Create a bank, loan like made, Loot the cash, sell 0ut. The Great American banker
Trade Tensions With China Quietly Escalating « naked capitalism
Trade war, where did that happen before? Oh yeah Great Depression? Would started it? US. Who will start this time? China.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Bank of America’s Firing of Counsel Is Examined -
Funny a year on and we are just now finding out the facts of the mess.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac Struggle A Year After Takeover
Not really we thought they should be closed. They are a festering problem and will be for a long time.
Real Unemployment Rate Hits 16.8% | zero hedge
The march upward continues.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Pension crisis likely to hit taxpayers eventually - MarketWatch
Does years away mean next year? Likely.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
I Feel Comfortable Being on Paul Tudor Jones' Side of the Argument.
I agree as well. Something is about the give.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Commercial Real Estate Lurks as Next Potential Mortgage Crisis -
CRE is of course the top story for 2009 and will be for some time.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Why The Fed Is So Desperate To Keep Its Bailout Gifts Secret
History rhymes we like to say here. In this case Ben may be listen but I think it is off base since most consumers only care about the FDIC, but shareholders would pound banks in trouble.
Treasury Document Called AIG Investment ‘Highly Speculative’ -
Gosh wonder why the government did not mention this before? Oh yeah we need to save the system. Right.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Be Patient With Gold
I have not ranted on gold in awhile, but as part of my big in 2010 predictions I mention gold would underperfrom and disappoint. Clearly this author wants you to hold on. It is going up. Here is a clue. All things bubble then collapse. As a final question who can eat gold :) Just saying if the end time comes, what good is gold?
April 2007: when Gordon ignored the warnings | Coffee House
Plenty of people knew there where problems. No body wanted to stop the money train.
GDP Revision (Unchanged) Is Good News
Not really. We continue to shrink and business is not spending. Q3 may be ugly.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Is Banco Santander The Canary In The Coalmine
Spain has big problems.
Cumberland Advisors - Market Commentary
Buying some cheap USO calls at $48 for OCT 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
FDIC report tomorrow
Calculated Risk: Bank Failure #81: Down Goes Guaranty
3 more along with the big one. MW called for 300 this year. I think we are on track to push past that.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Here Comes Trouble: Three Problems - The Market Ticker
Just in case you where thinking he does not have enough problems, the social secuirty system is now much closer to blowing up as well.
Are Spanish banks hiding their losses?
Looks that way and it is not good.
Calculated Risk: Guaranty Bank: OTS Closes the Barn Door
Kind of like closing the barn door after the horse escapes.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
We Need RTC-II
There are some deep problems with the Banks. Clearly the FDIC and other regulators are allowing them to hobble along. God help us all.
Foreclosure report
It seems clear we are done with the subprime but everything else is souring now.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Collateral Damage From Cash for Clunkers
I thought it was funny people where shocked that people want free money!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Fiji Water: Spin the Bottle | Mother Jones
Bottle Water is a huge scam. Just my take.
Monday, August 17, 2009
Reader’s Digest Plans Chapter 11 Filing - DealBook Blog -
The short version or the Digest version :)
Loss Rates for FDIC higher than during S&L Crisis
Big risk, the banks are cost more on percentage basis. IE they are not just insolvent they are massive insolvent.
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
150 Public Banks May Be Near Death
Is the FDIC broke? If so the cat food story may be closer then we like to think.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Business Bankruptcy Fillings

Now lets look at the consumer, trending up to 2005, then the big BK law casued a spike. Of course that number may be exceed this year.
So lets look more deeply at the last 15 years of business BK
Year 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Total
2009 14,319 15,319 17,019 18,319 64,976 Estimated Q2,Q3,Q4
If my estimates are correct we are looking at the largest Business BK since the early 90's
Last Week's Insiders Transactions: 10 Buys For $60 Million, 136 Sells For Over $1.15 Billion | zero hedge
Rats fleeing the ship? Trouble with making ends meet? Needs to buy car under cash for clunkers?
Details Of The $80 Billlion Prescripton Drug Deal? - The Atlantic Politics Channel
So we get a 2% discount in exchange for not being able to bargin or import or marked down. Great.
Emergency Unemployment Compensation
A deeper dive on the Unemployment numbers.
Green Shoots? Not Retail Sales or Unemployment Claims | The Big Picture
As I mention several weeks ago, Retail sales for July where bad. Taking out Autos we see continuing declines. Along with no recover in unemployment numbers. We may be on plateau but not the bottom
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Financial Armageddon: About to Get Blindsided Again
Ginny Mae, why is it all the bad things have southern nicknames.
Chinese Export Collapse Casts Doubt On Recovery
Some Problems in China, Net exports -20%.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
The Worst Isn’t Over In the Real World - MarketBeat - WSJ
I could not think of a better headline
Lawsuits are the latest roadblock for California budget - Los Angeles Times
This is how your CA goverment works now. I am sure it will all be ok.
Half Of US Homeowners Will Be Underwater By 2011
Must read, the full presenation of the DB reasearch.
Table A-12. Alternative measures of labor underutilization
Wow some good news from last week. May be a mirage cause by Census data and Autoworkers return from BK temporary closures.
Monday, August 10, 2009
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Consumer Bankruptcy Filings Most Since October 2005 (Update1) -
More bad news, BK on the rise, almost back to pre-2005 levels.
SEC Memo says Guaranty Bank to be Seized, not Sold - Going Concern - A Tabloid for Accountants, CFOs, & Finance Execs
FDIC now close to having to borrow from treasury. Very bad sign of things to come.
DOT declines to release data on 'Cash for clunkers' that would show impact on US manufacturers - Los Angeles Times
Glad we have a president who wants transpancy, unlike that last guy.
Federal tax revenues plummeting
More problems for the government.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Feds raid Colonial Bank office in Florida | Markets | Hot Stocks | Reuters
Guess Monday is going to busy for someone.
Is The FDIC Broke And Covering It Up? - The Market Ticker
Karl may have something here. Is there political pressure to not drain the FDIC of its remain funds?
Bank Failures 69 and counting
Plus two big ones just hang out waiting. No signs of slowdown.
Friday, July 31, 2009
The Insurer Capco, a Pillar of Lehman, Begins to Look Flimsy -
At times you would think the whole US Finanical industry is a huge ponzi scheme.
Q2 GDP: -1%, -6.4% for Q1
Really ugly number from Q1
If we get a revision down and things to do not improve we will be temping the 10% mark. A key indicator of a depression.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
News from 1930: Monday, July 28, 1930: Dow 240.31 +2.83 (1.2%)
or a ringing heard in 2009
Germany in crisis: von Hindenburg's dissolution of the Reichstag is climax of long series of financial crises. After a remarkable economic recovery in the past five years, Germany's access to foreign capital has been cut off by the financial crisis; they're now faced with severe unemployment and need to bridge large budget deficits. Temporary dictatorship is an opportunity for drastic measures, though there is some worry that after new elections Socialists and National Socialists will gain. Some positives in continued export growth and solid condition of Reichsbank.
Monday, July 27, 2009
The Scary Reason Healthcare Can't Be Reformed
Some good thoughts about Heath care
Regional banks on the brink - MSN Money
Problems are not over for the banks by a long shot.
El Nino threat blows commodity prices higher - Telegraph
What is the differnce between a recession and depression-Famine
Citi ‘milestone’ as Washington takes 34% stake
In a shock to no one the bailout continue
Friday, July 24, 2009
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Dewalt leaving Roush Fenway at end of season
Bad sign for NASCAR which is already struggling with a massive drop in Fan attendance.
Latvia jitters creeping back
Just another stone in the pond causing waves.
UPS Comments: Sitting at Bottom, No Improvement to date in Q3
I feel the same way. We are taking a breather. Up/Down who knows. Feels like down thou.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Oakland to Tax marijuana
1st in the country. Is this the begin of the end of the drug war on marijuana?
Nothing bullish in crude
Short Term Oil remains high. Looking for a pull back for the end of the year.
Pension Pulse: California's $100 Billion Whooping
The pension mess is now in full blown crises. This will drain more money from all the parties (State,local, and cities).
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
News from 1930: Monday, July 21, 1930: Dow 236.65 -3.92 (1.6%)
or 2009
Governor R.A. Young of Fed. Reserve Bd. warns banks to be careful
about the increasing amount of loans against securities. About the crash last
fall, says: “there is food for serious thought in the fact that, under our
excellent banking system ... we nevertheless came to the brink of a collapse,
had to resort to heroic action to prevent a panic, and were not able to avoid
... severe liquidation and what appears to be a business depression. Is this
unavoidable? Is it necessary for this country to go through periods of reckless
exuberance, accompanied by enormous credit expansion and fantastic levels of
money rates that profoundly disturb the financial structure not only here but
all over the world?” The cost of these episodes is paid in unemployment and
worldwide depression. Reminds banks that security loans are safe only if a
liquid market exists for the security; large scale sales can cause a drop in
value, “and there is no telling when such a drop may terminate and what
catastrophe may follow ...” Calls on banks not to assume Fed will always be able
to help them, since its resources are “not inexhaustible.”
CIT $3 Billion Rescue May Not Provide Permanent Cure (Update3) -
Citi not out of the woods and looks like Chapter 11 may be likely anyway.
Philadelphia Halts Payments in Crunch -
In case you thought CA was the only one out of cash.
California Budget Deal Reached By Legislators, Schwarzenegger -
Very tough choices and it will get worse next year. They need reform on taxes and spending.
Monday, July 20, 2009
California's budget gap won't close for long | Reuters
In case you thought this year was bad.
Study Finds Steep Drop in State Tax Revenues -
As I have said in the past, hard choices are coming.
PBGC Takes Over Nortel's Pension Plan
Very interesting developments here.
500,000 Will Exhaust Unemployment Benefits by September, 1.5 Million by Year-end
This is key to the next leg down. With more people out of the systems safely net it will start to cause even more problems then before.
EU-IMF breakdown over Latvia?
Still no solutions just more limping.
Back to Business - A Second Act in the Mortgage Disaster - Series -
Maybe we need to look at making some things illegal.
CIT far from out of the woods | Blogs |
Look at this the free markert working! Shocking!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
4 Banks go down.
Still no resolution of Corus or Citi
Friday, July 17, 2009
Stimulus spending faces red tape bottlenecks - Eye on the Economy-
If ever there was a sign what a huge waste the stimulis is was this is it. Also it should be cold shower to anyone who thinks the government can do it better. If they wanted results they should have given the money directly or not done it at all.
Bank of America Posts Profit Drop, Sees Weak Economy (Update1) -
Still big problems here.
Short BOA
Georgia, Alabama Top 10% Unemployment as Firings Gain (Update1) -
It is 1976, what a great time! Kidding.
AIG’s European Derivatives May Take Decades to Expire (Update1) -
Thanks to all us, the taxpayers, we are back stopping this.
“There’s no question that asset values have soured on a global basis. With the faith and credit of the U.S. government backing those guarantees, why would they give that up?”
Thursday, July 16, 2009
MGIC to halt new business; posts steep loss | Markets | Markets News | Reuters
Is it me or are we reapting last year. First the run up in Oil, now MGIC in trouble. Damn what is next, oh yeah CIT goes BK tomorrow, ala Lehman.
Mish's Global Economic Trend Analysis: Foreclosure Filings Hit Record 1.5 Million; One in Eight Americans Delinquent; Obama's Mortgage Rescues Create ‘Confusion’
As a said some time ago, stopping foreclosure and unemployment from accelerating should be the only priority.
Instead we get heath care, cap and trade and supreme court nominations.
Now Watch The CIT Backlash Begin
Wow, we are going to let the markets work. Not sure what happen must be the sun.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Obama Punting On Fannie, Freddie Could Prove Costly
Why worry, the only have 1/4 of all the mortage paper in the US? I mean how bad could the loses get? If we are int the 4 or 5 inning it could be bad.
Florida ‘a state in trouble’ - South Florida Business Journal:
No big shock here. Florida needs to do some soul searching to fix it issues.
The Great Cabernet Ripoff - Page 1 - The Daily Beast
Drink what you like. Don't use price as a factor. And for the love of god don't drink white zinfandial.
American Express suspends payments into UK stakeholder pensions - Telegraph
Following up from several months ago. American Express appears to be in serious trouble. This is just a further sign of what they are doing. Along with massive credit line cuts.
Latvia PM says latest talks with IMF difficult -
More problems as the IMF push Latvia to the edge.
CIT Presses U.S. Regulators for Aid to Forestall Cash Crunch -
Bank run in progress, please help. Really?
Calpers Sues Over Ratings of Securities -
I am surpirsed it took this long.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
News from 1930: Monday, July 14, 1930: Dow 229.23 +4.37 (1.9%)
or 2009
Important economists strongly believe current seasonal lull is low point of
the industrial depression; some good news in week-over week freight increase
June rise in construction contracts. Drop in steel backlog not as bad as
oil curtailment making progress; increase in rail freight
Spitzer Says Banks Made ‘Bloody Fortune’ on U.S. Aid (Update3) -
If only hooker had jack you life up people might care more.
Drug cartels launch Mexico's 'Tet offensive' |
Least you think I forgot about Mexico.
Average length of unemployment highest since 1948. -
Right on target. We may have plateau but the end is not near.
Retail Sales Still Stink | The Big Picture
No big surprise here and from yesterday post we can expect July to be worse.
The Doctrine of Preemptive Bailouts and the Biggest Bailout you haven’t Heard About: The U.S. Treasury Plan C and the $3.5 Trillion You will be Paying.
The Bust of the Williamsburg Condo Boom -- New York Magazine
Awesome read. Just remember Condo's are not caculted in the housiong numbers. So we have a whole bunch of foreclosed properties not even counted.
Monday, July 13, 2009
Don't Gamble On Casino Stocks-Minyanville
My sense as well, we over played the rally. This article talks retail which is the back bone of the recovery. Does not look good.
Detroit Public School System Ponders Bankruptcy
I agree this is one of many pension blow ups on the horizon.
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
A Banking Model That Works In The Badlands - Home - The Daily Bail - The Bailout News Central Depository. News, Interviews,Videos, Comedy, Songs, Opinion & Analysis
Oscar Mayer, hot dog legend, dies at 95
Quick poll, who know he was real!
Crazy or Gutsy? The Call for $2 on General Electric (GE) – 24/7 Wall Street
GE has serious problems. If it broke the low it set last time we could see $4 a share but $2 a share would indicate a massive blow to the whole market.
L.A. Targets Cannabis Clubs -
The better question to ask, if the city can support 100's more why close them? You have people who are employed, you have tax revenue from the business, you have income tax from the employees. Why fight this when CA cleary needs every job and income it can get.
Swiss Government Says It Would Seize UBS Data Sought by U.S. -
Still a lot trouble over at the IRS VS UBS.
Goldman's secret sauce could be loose online; markets beware - Ars Technica
I like the technical aspect of the case explanation better then the MSM news version.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
News from 1930
Finch, Wilson, & Co.: “We believe that many stocks are now selling far
below their real value and that purchases can now be made with a minimum of risk
and a maximum of confidence of higher prices later.”
Bank of America Loses More Money, Obama Will Regret Fake Stress Test
Clearly massive problems remain. If the re-enter the TARP it would be a very bad blow to confidence.
The 16th Forbes Cruise for Investors
For all my rich investors out there, here is a little vacation idea.
T2 Partners Mortgage Market Update July 2009
In short the end is not nigh.
Big Banks Don't Want California's IOUs -
Just another deadline. When the IOU"s stop trading (Via brokers) and move below 50% to par that will be the signal the end is near.
Monday, July 6, 2009
Mexico's Ruling Party Is Seen Losing Ground -
Not good news for Mexico, the former rulers we terribly corrupt. It will also make finding a solution for oil reveune much tougher.
Ron Paul Strikes Gold: Why the oft-marginalized congressman is the greatest threat to Obama’s regulatory plan. | The Big Money
We can only hope this passes. There should be no black boxes where Government is concerned.
Florida aided Allen Stanford, suspect in huge swindle - Florida -
So if your bank has nice taste in furniture you entrust you life savings, Are your F$#$ kidding me?
''Everything was first class,'' she said. ``We thought our money was
The state of Florida would have to grant him the right to move
vast amounts of money offshore -- without reporting a penny to regulators.Sure this is fine, all the money offshort with no records.
Who the hell was in charge and what did they get paid to let this happen?
Banks Take Aim at Revolvers - Banking -
Here is a key problem. If short Term money is costly business will use it less and therefore have less money to spend on expanding. In short we are in vicious negative loop with no exit in site.
UBS: ‘The disaster in Spain will continue’ - Credit Writedowns
With in a year or two we will see Spain collapase. With that we will see the breakup of the Euro and possible the European union.
Biggest VIX Drop Hides Options Bets S&P 500 Will Fall (Update2) -
We have gone up to much for such a short period. It is an easy money bet we will make a correction lower.
Disclosure -Short S&P500
Friday, July 3, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Rich Harvard, Poor Harvard: Vanity Fair | Vanity Fair
Just think where Rubin and Summers are now :)
Is the Latvia intervention team assembling? | afoe | A Fistful of Euros | European Opinion
Looks like something is going to go down in latvia sometime soon.
Consumer credit down a massive 33% in Spain - Credit Writedowns
Spain continues its death spiral.
Table A-12. Alternative measures of labor underutilization
9.5% U3 and 16.8% U6
Strange that we only got a single bases point increase in U3. Unadjusted shows 9.7%. Still Looking for 10% before September.
No IOUs For California Pols, They're Still Getting Cash
Great so the politicans get paid and everyone else gets screwed.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Gov. Declares Fiscal Emergency; Orders 3rd Furlough Day | | Sacramento, California | Local News
So we are going to play chicken with the 8th largest economy. Should be fun to watch.
The Fed botched banking regulation once already. So why does Obama want to give it more power?
I know many people hate him, but for god shakes bring him back.
Lost in the Weed: We stopped subsidizing tobacco farming. The result? Tobacco farming’s on the rise. | The Big Money
While some of the conclusions may be off, the tell highlights the foolishness of paying people to not farm. It inflates the price and helps no one. We should end all farm payments like this.
Hotel Loan Defaults Double as Recession Cuts Travel (Update2) -
More bad news for hotels and the CRE Market.
Freddie Mac receives additional $6.1B from gov't | TPM News Pages
Least you think AIG is the only money hole being feed.
The Dreaded California IOU System Becomes A Reality
Given a month or so this will start to break the suppliers.
To Dennis Kneale: You're An Idiot
Adding to that, If you think that magic will happen and the CRE mess will not cause problems you are delusional. If you think the fall in tax income for the states will not hurt you have head in the sand.
Conglomerate Blog: Business, Law, Economics & Society
It always comes down to money and power. A excellent take on Iran.
Goldman again
Follow up to the Rolling Stone Article from last week.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
The strange, underground world of Chinese counterfeit cigarettes. - By Te-Ping Chen - Slate Magazine
Really cool article about counterfeit cigarettes.
States brace for shutdowns - Los Angeles Times
Big Problems for the states and next year will be worse.
AIG: Ready to Blow Up Again
The money pit needs feeding again.
For Pro Athletes, Business School Is No Game - BusinessWeek
78% of NFL player declare BK after just 5 years of retiring. Sad.
The Oil Drum | DrumBeat: June 30, 2009
Check out the Peak Oil discussion from the Atlanta Fed.
China Signals End of Stockpiling
More signs of problems in China
Guaranty Bank: FDIC assistance needed for survival - Houston Business Journal:
A huge failure if it goes down. 14 Billion.
Monday, June 29, 2009
U.S. Plan to Stem Foreclosures Is Mired in Paper Avalanche -
Banks have terrible customer service and are built this way to cause of audit requirements and regulations. Any hope of this changing is furlone.
The Looming Chinese Banking Disaster
If you think the RMB is safe, I have some lovely CDO's for sale at a discount.
With Unemployment Moving To 9.6%, Economic Impact Of Jobs Is Just Beginning – 24/7 Wall Street
With the last jump we could see 9.8% on thursday based on the velocity of unemployment. There is no signs of hiring in fact with closing of the dealers from Chyrsler and GM we could easly push above 10% next month.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Louis Gerstner: Kill The Casino Wall Street Has Become
It is clear something is wrong in the markets. I can only assume someone is playing the music. When they stop the you better grab a chair and hold on.
H1N1 Update
Some Ugly stats coming out of the CDC. Lets hope it gets no worse.
A category 2 pandemic has the following characteristics: • Case fatality ratio
of 0.1 percent to less than 0.5 percent.
• Between 90,000 and 450,000 deaths
in the U.S. (compared with estimated 36,000 deaths during a typical influenza
• Excess death rate of between 30 to less than 150 per 100,000
• Illness rate of between 20 and 40 percent
California set to issue IOUs as fiscal crisis weighs | U.S. | Reuters
Next week could be ugly. No signs of closing the gap soon and washington so far says no bailout. Are we really going to play chicken with the 8 largest GDP in the world?
Gross Domestic Product and Corporate Profits
Q1 -5.5%. Ouch unless we get some serious wind it be negative for the whole year. At this point it does not look like any wind is blowing.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
US credit card chargeoffs break new record - Moody's | Industries | Financial Services & Real Estate | Reuters
More problems in Credit Cards. Just think we are only in the begin as unemployment shows no signs of stopping.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Some Common Fallacies About Inflation and Deflation: the Weimar Nightmare in Review
An excellent read. I tend to agree with Jesse on this one.
States Turning to Last Resorts in Budget Crisis -
The time is short to fix the mess before we go off the deep end. Cuts now or else.
The Climate Bill Is Now 1,201 Pages Long
They where elected to lead not to read. Sheshs.
The Animal Spirits Page: On the coming neo-feudalism
IS this really where we are heading? I think it is dream that China will have any economic power. They are our twin. Producing everything we consume. When we stop the wheels come off. Yes I expect Riots here. Yes I expect Obama to not be the savior. But in the end creative destruction will sow the seeds for recovery. What that looks like no one knows.
News from 1930
A cool site, more then a little scary in some cases.
Col. Ayres, VP Cleveland Trust, predicts an abrupt recovery in stock and
commodity prices by Labor Day due to current consumption exceeding production.
Distinguishes between two types of depression, “V”-shaped and “U”-shaped.
Insider Selling Outpaces Buying 22x
Hmm..Wonder who they are listen too. Cause CNBC is sure the bottom is in. I would be selling too if I owned company stock.
Three Banks Suspend Their TARP Dividends -
Guess the green shoots did not grow near these banks.
Monday, June 22, 2009
The Fed Plots The Next Disastrous GSE
More bad idea's from the Fed.
China - Economic Catastrophe Unfolding
Excellent read. China is hidding its problems. When they are flushed out you will see a massive drop in there markets.
Banks Fail in Georgia, North Carolina, Kansas
Since I was off this weekend I still catching up.
Bond Market Plays
If you want to profit from it.
~ UltraShort 20+ Year Treasury ProShares (NYSE: TBT): This ETF is not for the faint-hearted. It seeks to perform at twice the inverse results of the Lehman Brothers 20+ Year U.S. Treasury Index. So if the Index drops 5%, TBT should return rise about 10%
.~ ProFunds Rising Rate Opportunity (RRPIX): This is a mutual fund that also seeks the inverse performance of the bond market. Its results aim to correspond to 125% of the inverse of the daily movement of the 30-year Treasury bond.
Jobless Rate Hits 11.5% In Calif; 11.1% In The Valley
As California goes so goes the USA. It is clear the stress test was a a pipe dream.
Friday, June 19, 2009
US Set To Intercept North Korean Ship Suspected Of Proliferating Nukes
Aside from the fact a war with North Korea would be bloody, if they lauch nuclear weapons it will empower the hawks that attacking Iran is needed. All of this is very bad. We have almost no uncommitted forces to support a third war much less a attack on Iran.
California Soon To Get Junked By Moody's
It is possible that would we could another major storm in the financial world. I am still in very negative and have puts against the SP for a large drop by Decemember.
States in Deep Trouble Over Plunging Income Tax Revenues
A excellent read. Most of the states are in trouble. Time for Cuts not more taxes. Most will go the wrong way.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
China's "Suicidal" Buy China Provision
Lets call it round two. Round one was fired by the US in the stimuls bill. Yes it does parallal the GD, but in this case China is America. We are Europe. Both countires got whacked badly by this.
Global Economy Matters: Banking Problems In Southern Europe Send The Whole World Running For Cover
Spain is especial troubled with unemployment at 18%
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
100 Questionable Stimulus Projects
Glad to see we are spending our money so wisely.
China, Shipping and the Great Commodity Carry Trade -- Seeking Alpha
We print more paper, the buy more good.
Something seems wrong.
Credit Card Issuers Settle Accounts for Lower Balances -
Sign of the times. Get money as quick as possible.
Momentum builds for broad debate on legalizing pot - Yahoo! News
IF anyone thinks for a second that legalization will make a difference to the youth they are crazy. From the experence of my daughter growning up I can tell you Pot is widely availalbe, widely used and considered safer then acholol.
Legaliazation is the only answer
The White House Is Open To Bailing Out California
Dont waste the money on a broken system. If they need a bailout it should come with big changes an cuts.
Monday, June 15, 2009
Iran poll loser leads huge rally
With the spilt from the top regliuous leaders it is possible we could some fundamenatal change within Iran. Usually you get a united front, everything is fine or if the elections where rigged a crack down on the losers. In this case it appears the top leaders of Iran do not have a either. A sign of problems. The next 24 hours should be very interesting