Friday, October 31, 2008

I find it sad that listen to a viewpoint which you don't agree is akin to treason now. How are we going to slow problems if we can not listen to and understand the other side. We are moving to the point where everyone is yelling and no one is listening. In sum that is the McCain stragery, he portrays Obama as a listener who hold the views of the people he hears. I would think most people hear a lot of things we don't agree with. While I support neither candidate I find it sad that the discourse is now all about what is wrong and nothing about solutions to fix things. If either candidate clearly said this is my solution, this is what it will cost and this is way it is good I might be swayed to support them. At this point all I hear is campaign lines about drilling and stopping job loss. Really and how would you do it? What is the cost and What are you plans for the greatest threat to the economy we have ever seen. The Great Depression was bad but no one knew how bad till it was over. I fear 10 years from now we will talk about the fact no one knew how bad it was and why we could not do something.

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